Australia Day in Mansfield and Tolmie

Australia Day in Mansfield and Tolmie

150126 Mansfield 2
Mansfield’s Australia Day ceremony celebrates the rich history of the town
150126 Tolmie
Sue and Mayor Marg Attley congratulate a new Australian citizen at Tolmie’s ceremony

On January 26 Susan Alberti and Colin North travelled to Victoria’s northeast as part of the 2015 Australia Day celebrations. Sue was an official ambassador for events in Mansfield and the nearby town of Tolmie. Sue has been an Australia Day ambassador for many years and thrives on the opportunity to travel the length and breadth of Victoria for local events. “Australia Day is a day of national pride and reflection and I was delighted to be a part of the special events in Mansfield and Tolmie,” Sue said. “As the daughter of a policeman, I was particularly touched to be able to visit the police memorial in Mansfield during the morning’s activities.”

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